Dr. Tsai-Sheng Fu

Current position

Chairman. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou.
Professor. Chang Gung University & National Tsing Hua University, College of Medicine.
Secretary General. Taiwan Orthopaedic Association (TOA).
President. Taiwan Bone Muscle Joint Total Care Association (TBMJ).
Honorary President. Taiwan Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (TSMISS). 
Executive Director. Taiwan Spine Society (TSS).

Research interests

Minimal Invasive & Endoscopic Spine Surgery 
Stem cell & Tissue engineering for creating bone graft substitutes 
Osteoporosis and related fracture therapy and related research 
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and related research


Fu TS*, Chen WC, Wang YC, Chang CW, Lin TY, Wong CB. Biomimetic vascularized adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells bone-periosteum graft enhances angiogenesis and osteogenesis in a male rabbit spine fusion model. Bone Joint Res. 2023 Dec 6;12(12):722-733 (SCI)
Tsai SHL, Hu CW, El Sammak S, Durrani S, Ghaith AK, Lin CCJ, Krzyz EZ, Bydon M, Fu TS, Lin TY. Different gabapentin and pregabalin dosages for perioperative pain control in patients undergoing spine surgery: A systematic review and network meta-Analysis. JAMA Netw Open 2023 Aug 1;6(8):e2328121 (SCI)
Tsai SHL, Chang CW, Lin TY, Wang YC, Wong CB, Ghaith AK, Alvi MA, Fu TS, Bydon M. The use of ultrasonic bone scalpel (UBS) in unilateral biportal endoscopic spine surgery (UBESS): Technical notes and uutcomes. J Clin Med 2023 Feb 2;12(3):1180 (SCI)

121 publications in the peer-review journals

Textbook chapters

E Hoang Le, Tsai-Sheng Fu,Tae-AhnJahng, Daniel H. Kim. “Current Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques for the Lumbar Spine” Emerging Spine Surgery Technologies: Evidence and Framework for Evaluating New Technology. Page273-291;Edited by Terry P. Corbin, B.S.B.M.E, Patrick J. Connolly, M.D., Hansen A.Yuan, M.D., Qi-Bin Bao, Ph.D., Scott D. Boden, M.D.Quality Medical Publishing (2005)
Fu TS, Wong CB, Chen WJ. "Spinal Tuberculosis" VI-Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases of the Pediatric Spine- 32, P390-395;Edited by Daniel H. Kim., Randal R. Betz., Stephen L. Huhn., Peter O. Newton, Surgery of the Pediatric Spine, Thieme(2008)

The Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgeons of Thailand (RCOST)

4th Floor, The Royal Golden Jubilee Building, 2 Soi Soonvijai, New Petchburi Road,
Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, THAILAND
